Any suggestions for possible things I could check that messed up on or missed? And if then it still doesn't work, what do you think my options are for this xbox and why is it still RRoDing? is it possible that it's because this kit doesn't repair the 3 RRoD? Is it lost forever since I can't send it back to microsoft without the seal?
XBOX 360 – Direction In How To Fix RROD
The Xbox 360's infamous Red Ring of Death problem was the priceMicrosoft paid for attempting to save money by designing its owngraphics chip for the console rather than buy one off a specialistsupplier, it has been claimed.Speaking at a chip conference in California, Gartner chief analystBryan Lewis said the software giant created the console's graphicsengine itself in a bid to reduce the cost of producing the console,EETimes reports.Had the company gone to a company like AMD or Nvidia in the firstplace, he suggested, it would probably have avoided the problem. Agraphics specialst, he said, would have been able to come up with a GPUthat pumped out a lot less heat.Overheating was fingered early on as the cause of the RRoD failure.In 2007, Microsoft said it would spend $1bn to fix Xbox 360s suffering from the RRoD.Microsoft has never given specific details for the reason for thefailure. When it announced the $1bn charge, Xbox chief Robbie Bach itsaid the issue was not related to the console's manufacturing andhinted it was the result of a "Microsoft-initiated design".Lewis claimed that Microsoft subsequently called on a graphics chipmaker - no, he didn't say which one - to fix the problem. It's believedthat AMD got the gig, having acquired GPU maker ATI.It was ATI's 'R500' GPU that was the basis for the Xbox 360 graphicsengine. Certainly, ATI was always claimed to be the Xbox 360 GPUsupplier - it said as much itself back in 2003."We selected ATI after reviewing the top graphics technologies indevelopment and determining that ATI's technical vision fits perfectlywith the future direction of Xbox," said Bach at the time.When the 360 was finally released and able to be taken apart,pundits found both the console's GPU and CPU stamped with Microsoftlogos. Essentially, Microsoft took ATI's design, added some extra bitsand sent to out to manufacturing.Last month, it was claimed that Microsoft ordered its first 65nm graphics chip, believed to be intended for use in a further revision of the Xbox 360, codenamed 'Jasper' and due this summer.
ive just fixed my xbox 360 that had e74 error rrod, its quite easy to do. couldnt send it off to microsoft becuse it had just run out of guarantee, bummer. last console i sent off to then took over 2 months to get back after many phone calls, anyway having almost thrown the thing out the window , i found the answer at xbox360 solutions, took me about 2hrs work but now my 360 is singing again. i hope to see you guys on live, name is devilfish, look out for me. hope all your xbox 360s stay trouble free..great blog by the way
So, I was just curious to see if there are any original xbox 360 models out there that will not die because of the red ring of death because I'd really want to have one but I don't really want it to break if I happen to use it. I know there are some consoles out there that have been reballed but they're probably very difficult to find and also I don't think I'll find any place that is willing to perform such process.
I was under the impression that xboxp was only to be used on Xbox/360 exclusive titles. As such I removed it from Call of Duty 4's talk page. Please clarify if I've misunderstood. xenocidic (talk) 20:23, 5 February 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I would just like to apologize for the xboxp template. I just put my name so people could reach me and I wasn't thinking of what could happened as a result. I would like to leave all of this behind such as exclusive names, xboxp and "so-called" fighting over a what name goes first in the info box, and do what I made this project for, and that is to improve all the Xbox pages. My apologies, BW21.--Blackwatch21 (talk) 20:07, 15 February 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
How do I get involved in adding a new technical problem on the XBOX 360 page? With a 6 month old x360, 2 of my 7 games have developed small "micro cracks" radiating out from the spindle hole. Over a short amount of time (days / weeks?) the "spokes" reach the readable area of the disk and affect play. I've also seen one disk that seems to experience flaking or delamination around the clamping ring area. I don't know what the root cause is just yet, and I just got through a nasty customer experience trying to return the affected disks at best buy. As I learn more about the problem, I'd like a forum to report what I find and hopefully share info with others experiencing similar problems. There's not a lot of info available just yet, so i was planning to catalog the known disk case styles and investigate if any of them are causing the issue, as it seems like a lot more force is required to engage the spindle grabber on the xbox 360 case vs std CD cases. Would someone give me a heads up on where to go from here, especially on an article that is currently locked? Thanks, AaronDelonga (talk) 02:22, 12 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Would there be any merit in creating an article for the website This website is used by many xbox 360 gamers to look for advice on how to unlock certain achievements and also actively encourages "boosting", a topic that I do not believe is covered so far. Alistair 84 (talk) 11:22, 12 August 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply] 2ff7e9595c