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Port of Call XXL Licens: The Ultimate Guide to the Economic Simulation Game


New is the support for User ADDON on ship, harbors and goods.POC XXL can call POC Sim3d for harbours and events to play in 3D, you need a Platinum License for this feature.Platinum Licenses are valid for all POC Versions that is all updates and release versions !!Please help us by buying a license to have an ongoing POC XXL development - we will add user wishes (see forum) also,this is the first know (by us) game like this with so much user influence.**** The Platinum License is valid for all POC Versions also for future updates and releases **** !!

port of call xxl licens

please send us reports on both working and non working systems! We want to build a list and we try to help. POC XXL does not require a fast processor as POC Sim 3D does, there are only some 3D elements, but that's what we want to know also out of the beta test.

[1.00.04] many improvements on the previous versions, user addon support for example, also take a look at the FORUM. We now use VB 6. SP6 of the runtimepackage, some systems might need a reboot if necessary. You can also download the runtimepackage directly from microsoft for example also. The runtime package is also suggested if you use the online installer of a previous version. You can use the web based installer which is able to laod the differences automatically for an upgrade.

But you can play POC classic for one hour without charge and I think it is fair enough tocharge you if you want to play such an old game for more than one hour. Anybody who bought an AMIGAversion send us a note with a proof of purchase or so and I will send the pocsilver free of charge.(that were not many people that bought it in the past - most had a crack), and we also never got license feefrom the distributor at these times.... But the payment for the classic game is also to support us for the new games. Now we have micropayment and I want to use it also for the new games.

You can buy a SILVER license to unlock Ports Of Call the classic version and the new Windows versio .GOLD is for the new POC XXL (and classic version - also classic windows) and PLATINUM is for POC XXL and POC Sim3dII !

PLATINUM - for around 40 Euro (depending of the shop tax and xchange) Get a universal serial number for all games (POC Classic + POC XXL + POC Sim3d + POC Sim 3dII)and as a sponsor get listed in the Hall of Fame of updates on Poc XXL and POC Sim3d II on request.Currently this is a LIFETIME license that means it will be valid for all upgrades of POCXXL + POCSIM3DII..

Here's an overview of what you can do with each of the licenses. Attention you need valid email account. You get an electronic licence code per email - Download all programms before this and test them at your computer before you purchase the license.

If you have any problems with shopping, you can transfer the money, within EU in EUR else minimum a pocgold is required due to high transfer cost, please email your payment wish to: - we will send instructions.If one of the shops does not respond, please try again a little bit later. Its the easiest way to pay.Attention: on resending lost licenses we have to charge a 4.- Euro fee to do an in depth search without order numbers. Please carefully store your licenses. If we cannot find a trace the license is LOST and you need to buy a new one.

The prices of the products in our shop (PAYPAL...) contains the tax fee determined by the german law (MWST). External Shops as SWREG might add additional VAT automatically bythe operator of the shop, dependant by the country of origin of the buyer and the origin of the shop.Licenses with Serialnumbers and also programs are delivered electronically (download, email),there is no additional shiping fee. This an information published according to the new price law (Preisabgabenverordnung) which starts at the 1.1.2003.

Amazon RDS supports several versions and editions of Microsoft SQL Server. The most recent supported version of each major version is listed here. For the full list of supported versions, editions, and RDS engine versions, see Microsoft SQL Server versions on Amazon RDS.

For information about licensing for SQL Server, see Licensing Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon RDS. For information about SQL Serverbuilds, see this Microsoft support article about the latest SQL Server builds.

With Amazon RDS, you can create DB instances and DB snapshots, point-in-time restores, andautomated or manual backups. DB instances running SQL Server can be used inside a VPC. Youcan also use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to connect to a DB instance running SQL Server, and you can use transparent data encryption (TDE) toencrypt data at rest. Amazon RDS currently supports Multi-AZ deployments for SQL Server using SQLServer Database Mirroring (DBM) or Always On Availability Groups (AGs) as a high-availability, failover solution.

To deliver a managed service experience, Amazon RDS does not provide shell access to DBinstances, and it restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that requireadvanced privileges. Amazon RDS supports access to databases on a DB instance using any standardSQL client application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Amazon RDS does not allowdirect host access to a DB instance via Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH), or Windows RemoteDesktop Connection. When you create a DB instance, the master user is assigned to thedb_owner role for all user databases on that instance, and has alldatabase-level permissions except for those that are used for backups. Amazon RDS manages backupsfor you.

If your AWS account has a default VPC, then your DB instance isautomatically created inside the default VPC. If your account does nothave a default VPC, and you want the DB instance in a VPC, you mustcreate the VPC and subnet groups before you create the DB instance.

The following table shows the maximum number of supported databases for eachinstance class type and availability mode. Use this table to help you decide ifyou can move from one instance class type to another, or from one availabilitymode to another. If your source DB instance has more databases than the targetinstance class type or availability mode can support, modifying the DB instancefails. You can see the status of your request in the Eventspane.

For example, let's say that your DB instance runs on a db.*.16xlarge with Single-AZ and thatit has 76 databases. You modify the DB instance to upgrade to using Multi-AZAlways On AGs. This upgrade fails, because your DB instance contains moredatabases than your target configuration can support. If you upgrade yourinstance class type to db.*.24xlarge instead, the modification succeeds.

To use these features, we recommend that you install SQL Server on an Amazon EC2 instance, oruse an on-premises SQL Server instance. In these cases, the EC2 or SQL Serverinstance acts as the Master Data Services server for your SQL Server DB instanceon Amazon RDS. You can install SQL Server on an Amazon EC2 instance with Amazon EBS storage,pursuant to Microsoft licensing policies.

Because of limitations in Microsoft SQL Server, restoring to a point in time beforesuccessfully running DROP DATABASE might not reflect the state ofthat database at that point in time. For example, the dropped database istypically restored to its state up to 5 minutes before the DROPDATABASE command was issued. This type of restore means that youcan't restore the transactions made during those few minutes on your droppeddatabase. To work around this, you can reissue the DROP DATABASEcommand after the restore operation is completed. Dropping a database removesthe transaction logs for that database.

Not all DB instance classes are available on all supported SQL Server minor versions. For example, some newer DB instance classes such as db.r6i aren't available on older minor versions. You can use the describe-orderable-db-instance-options AWS CLI command to find out which DB instance classes are available for your SQL Server edition and version.

You can specify any currently supported Microsoft SQL Server version when creating a new DBinstance. You can specify the Microsoft SQL Server major version (such as Microsoft SQLServer 14.00), and any supported minor version for the specified major version. If noversion is specified, Amazon RDS defaults to a supported version, typically the most recentversion. If a major version is specified but a minor version is not, Amazon RDS defaults to arecent release of the major version you have specified.

The following table shows the supported versions for all editions and all AWS Regions,except where noted. You can also use the describe-db-engine-versions AWS CLI command to see a list ofsupported versions, as well as defaults for newly created DB instances.

Amazon RDS periodically aggregates official Microsoft SQL Server database patches intoa DB instance engine version that's specific to Amazon RDS. For more information aboutthe Microsoft SQL Server patches in each engine version, see Version and feature support on Amazon RDS.

Amazon RDS plans to end support of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 on RDS for SQL Server. At that time, any remaining instances will be scheduled to migrate to SQL Server 2014 (latest minor version available). For more information, see Announcement: Amazon RDS for SQL Server ending support for SQL Server 2012 major versions.

The Amazon RDS team deprecated support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 in June 2019. Remaining instances of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 are migrating to SQL Server 2012 (latest minor version available).

The supported SQL Server versions on Amazon RDS include the following features. In general, a version also includes features from the previous versions, unless otherwise noted in the Microsoft documentation.

SQL Server 2014 supports all the parameters from SQL Server 2012 and uses the samedefault values. SQL Server 2014 includes one new parameter, backup checksum default.For more information, see How to enable the CHECKSUMoption if backup utilities do not expose the option in the Microsoftdocumentation. 2ff7e9595c


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